I choose celebrity Ellen Degeneres to explore that EXPRESSIONISM of a character. First of all, I exaggerate and distort photographs in order to create a bizarre and emotional portrait of her. Utilized using Photoshop liquefy tools.
Below is the original photo:
Ellen is a comedian, she hosts here television show “Ellen” for over 15 years. Obviously, she talks a lot and has an exponential interpersonal skill. That is why I want to emphasize her mouse when liquefying her, to show that she is good at conversations. To make her mouse stands out of the face, I longer her jaws, sharpen her cheek and smaller her eyes so that the focal point is on the part below her nose. She is also a smart person, so I made her forehead bigger.
Below is the photo after liquefying in Photoshop:
The next step is to create a new layer in the Layers Palette and paint my caricature using drawn lines/strokes. I draw to make every stroke count. In the first version the color choice is more close to the skin tone. 
And then I play with the color to use complementary colors to show my thought of Ellen based on her character traits. Ellen has a bubbly personality, who appears confident, gives off a positive attitude, and exudes an attractive charisma. She is kind, courageous, generous, and very thoughtful. I choose the orange-ish color, and bright color to represent that traits of her. In the darker area, I use blue which appears on the position side of orange on the color wheel, it turns out a good result.
Final result.


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