Unity 2D multiplayer Headhunters game
Unity 2D multiplayer Headhunters game
Software: Unity, C#
Online Gameplay and Download Link: https://bmarchant.itch.io/headhunters
banner and cover images
HeadHunters is a multiplayer action game where the main goal is to fight enemies and collect more food than your friend. The more food you collect, the more minions you attract, increasing your ability to deal damage. But beware! The inhabitants are not likely to let go of all their food without a fight, and you may need to team up to take them down.
*Please note that to pause the game use the Esc key*
-Conditions to heal: You have to be at less than 100% health and it costs 15 food. You can only heal once. You cannot heal during the fight.
-Escape fight/Throw food: When you're fighting you are locked in place. to escape and run away from the fight, you must throw food to distract the enemy.
This costs the player 5 food
-Double Damage: Two players fight an enemy at the same time.
My role:
Design: Character Design, Background art, Tileset, Banner and Marketing,
Code: Sound effect- SoundManager, Obstacle object, Level settings.
Software: Unity, C#
Online Gameplay and Download Link: https://bmarchant.itch.io/headhunters
banner and cover images
HeadHunters is a multiplayer action game where the main goal is to fight enemies and collect more food than your friend. The more food you collect, the more minions you attract, increasing your ability to deal damage. But beware! The inhabitants are not likely to let go of all their food without a fight, and you may need to team up to take them down.
*Please note that to pause the game use the Esc key*
-Conditions to heal: You have to be at less than 100% health and it costs 15 food. You can only heal once. You cannot heal during the fight.
-Escape fight/Throw food: When you're fighting you are locked in place. to escape and run away from the fight, you must throw food to distract the enemy.
This costs the player 5 food
-Double Damage: Two players fight an enemy at the same time.
My role:
Design: Character Design, Background art, Tileset, Banner and Marketing,
Code: Sound effect- SoundManager, Obstacle object, Level settings.
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