
Showing posts from September, 2020

Coveyer Belt Game Design

 Design of conveyer belt game  Educational message: understanding that managing privacy on websites/apps is a challenging task, and their decisions must balance the need for privacy and be able to access the services provided by these websites/apps.  Narrative: you play the role of a “privacy checker” inspecting the user’s traffic from their device while they browse their favorite websites and apps. Your goal is to inspect packages where the user is interacting with the website to ensure that their actions are not compromising their privacy. [most of the actions will focus on the exchange of personal information] Paper Prototype: Wireframes: Design in Photoshop Intro screen Media room Social Media room Game room Character Design: package designs Thanks for viewing.

Game Storyboard AdobeXD

Information Catching Game Prototype - Game Storyboard Topic: Security and privacy for pre-teens Software: Adobe XD

Smart Home Game Pixel Art Design

 My Smart (networked) Home Objective of the game: raise children’s awareness of network technology and how they collect user data.  Narrative: “A day in the life of…” narrative, where the player wakes up, proceeds through their day, and ends the day by going to sleep. At the end of the day, the game provides them with an overview of how much data has been shared about them or how much data they’ve generated.  Type of game: exploratory game, where the player walks around a 2D environment and interacts with the objects in their environment. The objects will be digital or smart devices, or NPCs representing the family member of the player.  Character Designs: Character Animations (using Photoshop): boy walk boy idle girl idle girl walk Room Design(using Photoshop): room plan room with pixel character and speech bubbles

Jo and Josie Comic

A 4-page comic for A Day in the life of the Jo's, an educational game for children in grades 7 to 8 to teach them about digital literacy issues. Game Link This comics is based on one scenario from one day of the game. Done using Photoshop and Illustrator. Comic Storyboards: Choice of Jo's Clothes Color:   Final Comics(4th iteration):

Logo Redesign Project

 Logo Redesign for Carleton's Human Oriented Research in Usable Security (CHORUS) lab website link Logo Drafts First Iteration Second Iteration Final Design