Smart Home Game Pixel Art Design

 My Smart (networked) Home

Objective of the game: raise children’s awareness of network technology and how they collect user data. 

Narrative: “A day in the life of…” narrative, where the player wakes up, proceeds through their day, and ends the day by going to sleep. At the end of the day, the game provides them with an overview of how much data has been shared about them or how much data they’ve generated. 

Type of game: exploratory game, where the player walks around a 2D environment and interacts with the objects in their environment. The objects will be digital or smart devices, or NPCs representing the family member of the player. 

Character Designs:

Character Animations (using Photoshop):

boy walk

boy idle

girl idle
girl walk

Room Design(using Photoshop):
room plan

room with pixel character and speech bubbles


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